13 Tips For Writing A Spectacular About Page

Writing Effective About Us PagesYour company’s website is soon to go on air and all it is missing is an “About Us” page. An “About” page is one of the most important pages on your website. In a way, this page is like your company’s professional business card: it is often the first page a potential customer looks at, and therefore, it has to represent the company in the best way possible. How is that done?
An “About” page is just like a store’s display window: it has to welcome the customers in and give them an idea of what your company has to offer. Whatever is on display on your “About” page, has to be compelling enough to catch their eye and get them interested.

Follow these tips to Make Your ‘About’ Page Shine

  1. Know Your Goal – Are you interested in getting more customers? Are you interested in selling your products via the website? Is the website’s purpose to provide news and updates about your company? Your “About” page is there to help you achieve your goals.
  2. Provide an Overview – Write a general, short description of your company, the products or services it provides, its experience and its target audience. You do not want to make a potential customer read the whole “About” page just find out what you do.
  3. Be Attractive – Make sure your “About” page is well-designed, but not too crowded with several different styles, fonts and so on. Keep it stylish and consistent with the look of the rest of the website.
  4. Make It Personal – Quite often, people are interested in knowing what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ of a company. Try not to provide too many details but don’t hesitate to write a little bit about yourself and the nature of your work, just enough to keep them intrigued.
  5. Provide Key Details – How many people work in the company? What is its specialty? Don’t forget to provide the basic details about your company.
  6. Tell Your Story – Who founded the company? When was it founded? People love reading a good story, so tell your story in an interesting manner, but keep it concise – you don’t want to bore them.
  7. Learn From Others – Have you seen an amazing “About” page on another website? Use it an inspiration. Don’t be afraid to gather ideas from other websites.
  8. But Don’t Copy Someone Else’s “About” Page – Getting inspired is fine, but don’t expect that you can copy another website’s homepage word-for-word and get away with it. It will only give a bad image to your company. Be original!
  9. Provide Contact Information – You got someone interested in your company. How can they find you? Who can they contact? Don’t forget to provide important contact details such an e-mail address, a phone number, the address of youroffices and so on.
  10. Feedback from Customers – There’s no way better way in generating interested than a good review. Try to provide a few sure feedbacks from satisfied customers that make your company look good.
  11. Provide Useful Links – Does your company have a page on Facebook? Do you regularly tweet on Twitter? Provide all the necessary links so that your potential customers can get frequent updates from your company.
  12. Be Positive – Competition is a fine, useful thing – but don’t use your homepage to berate similar companies. Focus on what you do best and not on the bad qualities of others. Positive energies are far more powerful than negative ones.
  13. If All Else Fails – Get a Professional Content Writer – If you have tried writing your “About” page yourselves, but it’s still too dull and unattractive, hire someone to do it for you. Convey your ideas to a professional content writer and he/she will make sure your “About” page is all you want it to be.

More resources about ‘about pages’

What would you include in your about page?

Dafna Ben-Yehoshua

Hi, I'm Dafna Ben-Yehoshua, Content Manager at 3 Door Digital. After completing my M. Sc. in Biology, and trying out various occupations from being a zoo guide to working as an English teacher, I decided to settle on writing. I believe that any subject can be written about in a creative, fascinating manner while bringing into it the writer's unique point of view. My greatest joy in writing is seeing how something I write exposes the readers to new ideas and perspectives.

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